Friday, September 7, 2012

BLog #2: Curiosity Chemistry

Read the following article about the Mars Rover Curiosity that recently landed on Mars:

        Answer these questions in complete sentences: 
                        1.   Where would the most likely place to find water be?
2                    2. Why is water so important to find on Mars?
n          3.  Why is finding sediment more important than finding life?
4          4.  What is the state of water that Curiosity is looking for? Why not the other states?

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Blog #1: Scientific Method/Unit Conversion

Since this week we learned about the Scientific Method and Unit Conversions, you have three options to display your knowledge: design a four frame cartoon or bumper sticker, create a two stanza haiku or rap, or research a website that could be used as a study tool. These will be used describe the steps of the Scientific Method used in an experiment as well as any tricks to remember how to convert units (KHDdcm). Choose only ONE of these three things.

             A)  Choose to make a bumper sticker/cartoon, rap/haiku, or website.
a.       Use appropriate images, and websites (no .com or .org)
             B)   Explain why your option is significant, at least a 5 sentence explanation.